Thursday, September 10, 2015

Another Good Article

Signs That You've Been Abused By A Narcissist

Pretty decent list describing life with, and after, having an intimate relationship with a narcissist.  I am a firm believer that education is a strong ally and I have several friends still trapped in these relationships. Leaving a narcissist is terrifying in and of itself, not to mention the confusion and roadblocks that they throw into all areas of your life to prevent you from escaping. The more I talk to individuals that have lived through this experience, the more similarities I find--it is horrible to think that there are so many more than just the one that I dated out there...

"It’s very harrowing to realize that you are different from who you were before the narcissist; FUNDAMENTALLY DIFFERENT. When you are very aware that PTSD has replaced the narcissist, it emotionally drains the target of any hope for being PERMANENTLY NARCISSISTIC FREE. We don’t want to be constantly reminded and aware of the person we escaped. We want to live freely; however, symptoms are a constant reminder that we DON’T."