Friday, July 19, 2013

Of Beauty

When I lived in Ridgway, there was a man there that suffered from alopecia universalis.  As a result, he had no body hair, whatsoever.  No eyelashes, no eyebrows, bald; not a hair to be seen anywhere on his body.  He frequently ordered food where I worked and admittedly, I was quite attracted to him.  I have always been drawn to the Mr.Clean look; but even more so, to say that I loath body hair is putting it mildly.  An extreme aversion to body hair is more apt. 
I know people whispered about his affliction and deemed him as an oddity.  It was clearly something that he was self-conscious of, as well.   I never told him how I felt due to being in a relationship during that period of my life and well, there was that factor of him being 40ish and me being in my early 20's.  I still regret not letting him know that, in some eyes, he was beautiful--even though it was a touchy topic.  I was also extremely shy then and even more awkward around anyone that I was attracted to.  Come to think of it, that really hasn't changed...

I remember my shock upon hearing of his suicide.   Still to this day, just as someone that waited on him and had the occasional brief exchange of pleasantries, I wonder, could my words have made a difference?  I still think about him sometimes and about his disorder.  What he and society viewed as a flaw, made him perfect in my eyes.

It's odd, when I look at others that I have been attracted to through life--some morbidly obese, some unattractive by standards the media has defined--attraction is such a peculiar concept.   I have never been able to place a label on what I find attractive--physically or spiritually.  It is just there--without rhyme or reason.  They say that there is someone out there for everyone.  Someone that will find you beautiful despite the flaws.  I have to say that there is truth in this.  I am living, breathing proof and if I were ever to present a line-up of individuals that I have majorly crushed on--people would probably be shocked. 

I find it difficult to believe that I am the only one out there that has no faith in the media's standards; no faith in what society feels is attractive.  Mayhaps though, there are individuals out there that I have thought were drop-dead gorgeous--that have had no clue and would find it difficult to believe that anyone could ever be interested in them or be attracted to them.  Yet, here we are.  Perhaps I should note, as well--I am strictly speaking of physical attraction.  To find these individuals beautiful inside, as well--simply a deal clincher. 

Yes, I am sure of it.  There is always someone for everyone.  One person's flaw is sometimes their most beautiful aspect, in the eyes of another.  Our differences make us beautiful and I think sometimes we forget this in the world colored all one flavor. 

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