I'm not sure that I will ever understand some women. I don't understand the need for catty comments, false smiles and sweet words that have the underlying taste of acid. The pretenses; the thin veil hiding saccharine-flavored nastiness; comments shaped as daggers but hidden in flowers and hearts. What possesses women to treat each other like that? What creates that desire to strike other women down? Is the sisterhood concept so difficult to grasp?
Competitive? Want to run a race? Run fast and run hard. But don't be surprised when stopping to check and see how far ahead you are, to discover that I simply turned and walked the other way from the start. Don't misunderstand, I am quiet. I am passive. I may ignore slights and negative comments; but that does not mean that I am weak. Have you earned the upper hand? Are you better than me just because I don't bite back? I am not going to break just because you want me to. I am simply not interested in such games. I do not have the time, the energy or the desire. If you insist on playing, don't be upset when I don't join in; it just isn't my cup of tea. I never learned to play like that and it is a game that I don't even care to watch from the sidelines.
I prefer to live and let live. If you don't like someone, don't be around them. Don't agree with someone's opinion? Agree to disagree and recognize that neither of you are necessarily right... or necessarily wrong. If you are jealous of someone, find out what it is that triggers your feelings and work on those issues within yourself. If someone else has the relationship that you want, don't attempt to swoop in and take it for your own--look at what it is within that relationship that you crave and add it to the list of what you are seeking in your own partner. If your significant other does fall for their ruse and is led astray, let them wander away. The best answer is that they deserved each other from the start and you are better off without either of them. Is it that simple? Yes, it really is.
This is why 90% of my friends are male and always have been. If I have to worry about being stabbed in the back; if the intent is to belittle and cut; if being mean-spirited is sport, I will put distance between myself and the other individual without thinking twice. If someone is intentionally cruel to others, even if it isn't me, chances are, that distance will still be earned. There are some breaks in trust and faith that prevent future bonds from forming. I am a firm believer in "do unto others, as you would have them do unto you." I may not do equal harm in return, but I will no longer go out of way for that individual, either.
This is also why the females that I have embraced and welcomed into my life are some of the most amazing people imaginable. Mostly tomboys, bruisers, strong women; the girls that have never been interested in the games. Females that don't rip apart their friends but put them back together when the world has been rough--females that see the good in life and help others find it, as well. Creative souls, open souls, free-thinkers, and those that bypass labels. There are even a few princesses and queens in my circle, but they are true and I trust them with my heart. I am content with my circle; I have wonderful people. My circle is small and close-knit for good reason. And I have always been content on my own; perhaps this is why I have never felt the need to conform or be liked. This is why I can walk away and not need such "friendships." Friendship shouldn't be painful, anymore than love is meant to hurt...
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