Sunday, June 30, 2013

Killing in the Name of...

How is it that a person will call themselves your friend—expect you to be there for them, do things for them, care about them—and they still feel justified in betraying your trust, saying unkind words about you to others and being about as far from a friend, as is humanly possible?  What confuses me more is that when you finally get tired of it and write them off for your own self-preservation, they can’t see what they have done wrong but still try to make it out as though you are a bad person for ending their negativity in your life.  Mind-boggling.  But I guess it just further justifies my choice in sheltering myself from their toxicity and drama.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Chronic Pain & Regrets

It is days like today that I sincerely regret not having moved forward with the lawsuit against my father, The Meadows, the police, and everyone else that had a hand in my back and neck issues.  I am, again, wondering how much longer I will be able to work.  The main problem, at this point, is that my back and neck issues severely limit my mobility and driving is an increasing issue and causes intense pain.  It is all I can do to be out of bed some days and when it hurts no matter what I do, no matter what I take--it does not bring enough relief for me to function.  I realize that a lot of people live with chronic pain, but I am really struggling and do not know what the answers are at this point... 

Sunday, June 2, 2013