Thursday, August 25, 2016

In The Papers Again...

Today's article  So the PFA-ex made the paper again.   This time "jailed on $250,000 bail on charges of attempted homicide, a first-degree felony; aggravated assault with extreme indifference to human life, a first-degree felony; aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, a second-degree felony; simple assault, a second-degree misdemeanor; and recklessly endangering another person, a second-degree misdemeanor...  Troopers interviewed _________ at 3:10 a.m. Wednesday. _________ initially denied having any problem with _________, but then told police the man was an 'asshole' and a 'menace to the neighborhood' and that the police haven’t done anything, court records read.  _______ then told troopers, 'Since you guys couldn’t handle the problem, I went down to the victim’s residence and confronted him,' court records read."

Because that is what normal people do, right?  Have an issue with a neighbor?  Don't like them?  Pump them full of lead--because that's what "good guys" do.  According to Facebook Comments , anyhow...

"There is no excuse for shooting a person but there is something very suspicious here. Why did the so called victim taunt the other guy...knowing he had a gun???? How long has each individual lived there????"  My translation:  There is no excuse, but well, maybe there was...  This may have been okay because he taunted a guy knowing he was armed... "So called-victim"--being shot numerous times in their own yard and they are the "so called victim"?  WHAT??? As if there is some question as to whether they are a victim or not?  Really???  And who cares how long they lived there?  What difference does that make?  Does that somehow imply that being shot numerous times in his own yard was okay?  What am I missing here?

"There is more to the story. ..what I know of Keith, he is a good guy...must been something serious going on."  My translation:  This was definitely okay because ____ is a good guy...  You do not go onto someone else's property, shoot them a bunch of times, go back home like nothing happened, and still get called a "good guy"--that is not how it works.  If that is a good guy, I would really hate to meet someone that may not be.

"Sad but when you plead for help and nothing gets done bad things can happen!!"  My translation:  Well, the police wouldn't do anything, what did they expect?  Boys will be boys...  So this is the fault of the police?  They did go investigate and found no issue.  What else were they supposed to do?  So that makes everything okay since the police "did nothing"?

"There's always more to a story then what's reported!!!"  My translation: This was probably okay because the news may be hiding something...  And that makes shooting someone okay, why???

"I know Keith his [sica great guy would do anything for anybody that he knows."  My translation: This was definitely okay because _________ is a good guy.  I bet the victim's family agrees 100%.   Actually, as the PFA-ex, I may argue this statement, as well...

"Sorry. There is something more to this story. Taunting a guy with a gun never turns out good."  My translation: This was probably okay since he knew the guy was armed.  Isn't that asking for it?  Didn't he get what he deserved?  What difference does "more to the story" make?  Is that an acceptable reason to have your neighbor come onto your property and shoot you?  

The comments further go on giving the victim's family a hard time because his seventeen-year-old son was outside investigating the shots and dogs barking with him:  "Who brings their son out to check 'shots heard'.   How old is this son? Is he part of law enforcement? Maybe a member of the military? HOW OLD IS YOU NEPHEW?"  Umm, who checks these things out with their household members?  Maybe, normal people who are not expecting to be shot?

My questions: Why are people supporting this action? Why is this family being targeted? Haven't they been through enough? Am I the only one that sees there is a clear victim, here? A victim that was on his own property and had a neighbor show up in the dark with a gun and shoot him in front of his child. I do not care what the rest of the story is or how "good of a guy" other people think he is--that really isn't okay. Am I the only one that sees this? There is no justifying going onto someone else's property and shooting them. I am sorry, but that entire family is grieving, in shock, and should be offered the support of the community. Instead, they seem to be on trial and are being expected to defend themselves further. What am I missing here? Where is the community outreach, the offers to start fundraisers for the victims to cover hospitalization, travel, future surgeries, and other expenses because their neighbor decided he has the right to decide to shoot one of their loved ones? What if this was YOU or YOUR family? Would it still be okay? This family is going through enough right now, they are suffering enough without all of that added crazy.

I don't know the victim or their family, but I am sorry that they are going through this.  What they are going through right now is horrible and there is no excusable reason for any of it. My thoughts regarding these other people--the online trolls? They weren't there, they do not understand what that family is going through, nor is it any of their business. This family just had their world turned upside down and should not have to explain themselves to anyone--for any reason. They have just experienced a horrible, traumatic experience and really don't need that on top of it. Last I checked, we do not live in a vigilante justice system--no more excuses...

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

The Blades They Use

What It Means When a Narcissist Says "I Love You"

This was a powerful read for me. The one that really got me: "I love that you keep telling me how much I hurt you, not knowing that, to me, this is like a free marketing report, which lets me know how effective my tactics have been to keep you in pain..." That may best sum it all up, in my eyes. 

I never really thought about how (or why) he knew which buttons to push, how to hurt me the most--when in reality, there was a running mental tab all along. By the end of that two year reign, he could lay it all out and collapse me to my knees. It is mind-boggling when you stop to think that the pain is intentional and meant to crush your soul. I do see that now; at the time, I simply could not comprehend such intentional cruelty.

My dad always tried to do it, too--his big one was hurting me with my mom--finally, I reached a point where I was able to calmly say : "I am sorry you feel that way about her" and ignore his jabs--leading him to red-faced, eye bulging rage that he could not illicit a response from me. His anger that I refused to be baited...

The PFA-ex went to great lengths to tell me how he went to my mom's grave, talked to her, prayed, and knew that she wanted us to stay together--that she wanted me to go back to him. What a bunch of B.S. In all of the time that we were together, he refused to ever even get out of the vehicle and support me through the moments at her graveside--he was always a complete bastard on those days. But at the time it was a knife twist. And he knew it...

It is truly a despicable human that would intentionally cut you with the blade of grief for their own gain and manipulation. It is truly a despicable human that would intentionally cut you with ANY blade for their own gain and manipulation. I am sorry that others have lived through it, too, There is a definite beauty is knowing that I am now free and they can never touch me again...