Monday, July 1, 2013

Hitting the DELETE Button

That's odd.  I do not recall, at any point in my life, signing a waiver stating that I would freely deal with all B.S. to come my way--be it from friend, co-worker, partner, family member, or any other human entity.  What is more peculiar is those individuals that INSIST that I must deal with it.  Why?  Why stay with miserable people that tear down my self-worth, that I dread spending time with because of the negativity cloud that they attempt to throw over my head, why waste precious minutes of my life with individuals that try to drag me down into the muck with them?  You can try to convince me otherwise, but I will just keep walking; thank you, very much.
Nope.  I don't remember ever signing anything stating that it was pertinent for me to keep these individuals in my life.   Maybe I missed the memo. Sorry.

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